A Sunrise Worth Waking Up For

Slowly opening my eyes, I could see a touch of light entering through the window. I grabbed my watch from the nearby floorboard I set it on before falling asleep and saw that it was 4:30. That’s 4:30 A.M.! Having stayed up enjoying a campfire the night before, it was a real struggle to keep from just rolling over and going back to sleep after only a little over 4 hours of rest. I got up the morning before and enjoyed the sunrise so I can just sleep through this one, right? Laying there a few more minutes, almost returning to dreamland, I finally decided to get up for the sunrise after which I would return to my bed for a few more hours of desired shut eye. Adding to the challenge of getting up was the cool temperatures outside while being nice and warm inside my sleeping bag. Besides, looking out my little window from the bed, the sky looked like it was completely clear. Typically a beautiful sunrise involves some clouds to capture some of the suns amazing colors reflecting off of them. Grumbling I slowly got out of the cozy sleeping bag, put on some clothes,and grabbed the camera.

Light on the horizon

Once outside my demeanor changed. I love the early mornings watching the sky grow brighter and brighter while birds begin to chirp. Arriving a few steps to the edge of the lake by our cabin I was immediately grateful for the motivation it required to get out of bed as the scene in front of me was breath taking. While there were very few clouds, fog rising off of the calm water made for an amazing view. My current camera set up would never do. I headed quickly back towards my car to get a different lens and a second camera with another lens along with the tripod. Rushing back towards the waters’ edge I set up the cameras and began shooting away. I just couldn’t believe how beautiful the landscape was in front of me. The pristine water reflecting this incredible light making its way through the fog and I was the only one awake to witness such a view. Part of me felt disappointed others were missing this sunrise and at the same time I was thankful for this solitary moment. My adrenaline was flowing and the lack of sleep was nowhere to be felt.

A morning visitor

In a short time I discovered I was not alone. A curious beaver drifted near while eating a morning meal and watching as I switched between photographing with one camera and then the next  while taking some time to just be in the moment and enjoy the spectacular surroundings. Everything so calm and beautiful. A moment that stops all that is going on in the world. A moment so beautiful you almost don’t want to take another breath for fear of it being gone. But you do and realize it’s all still there, and if possible, better than the previous moment. The sun starting to shine through the tree tops making it’s way through the fog casting a soft, yellow light over everything. It’s warmth now making its way to my cool face bringing the realization I was a little cold. Everything was so beautiful I didn’t even feel this cold penetrating through me. Closing my eyes for a second or two, I could feel the sun’s summer strength being absorbed inside of me. Opening my eyes once again I could see this beautiful sunrise beginning to fade.

Sunlight making it's way above the trees

Quickly the sun made it’s way above the trees, becoming brighter and brighter as the dawn gave way to day and this beautiful experience came to a close. This is one of the reasons I love photographing things. I can look back on these photos and return to this moment. Remembering the struggle to get out of bed, rushing around to gather my gear, and walking to different locations to find the spot to photograph from. All ending with this gorgeous moment of beauty and calmness not only on the water but within myself.

Rolling out of bed and experiencing this sunrise re-ignited my passion for photography. For the past several months before this, I didn’t really want to touch my camera. I couldn’t explain why because I didn’t understand why. And for the most part I was ok with that. There were moments where I took photos because I knew I should but my heart wasn’t really into it. They would sit on my memory card for weeks or more which is unlike me. I just didn’t want to even take the time to look over them. That’s how I know my inspiration is lacking. Typically I can’t wait to see pictures I’ve just taken. There’s always something I’m excited to look at. This morning’s sunrise brought back my passion and excitement. I continued to photograph for another couple of hours and never did return to my bed except to pack it up in order to move on to another campsite.

An early morning with the sun higher in the sky