I went back into the archives of 2019 for this post. It’s a shot from Top of the World off road trail. This trail ends at a canyon overlook with spectacular views of the Utah landscape. There’s so much to look at in this photo and take in it’s almost overwhelming to me. Especially since you can see for such a long distance from this place. Starting off you have the interesting rock formations in the middle of the picture. Trying to figure out how they came to be and studying their details keeps my attention for awhile. Then taking in the red rock ridges and canyons speckled with plants that continue seemingly forever add so much depth. In contrast to all of this red you have the yellow rock in front of that adding more depth and color contrast with the plants on this rock bringing the greenery together for even more color contrasts. And to have all of this under a beautiful blue sky completes the shot. If it weren’t for all of the other Jeeps climbing into this spot I could have stayed here for a long time enjoying the scene and studying the details further. But others should be able to enjoy it without me being an obstacle for them also.

Awesome. I love that photo. You done a good job
Thanks! I’m not sure what was better. The journey to get there or the view.