Earlier this year, when places all over the world were entering quarantine, I turned to photography as a method of meditation. While looking through the viewfinder, I would begin to focus on what I was photographing and for a brief period find a place of calmness from the pandemic. Unfortunately there wasn’t much available outside in nearby parks as winter had turned to spring but nothing was growing yet. Instead I decided to create a scene. Some of my plants were in flower so I wanted to try using these while capturing their reflection in a small pool of water. Once I had them set up I misted portions of the flowers with water in order to catch the background in these little droplets. I was not getting the shots I was attempting to achieve so I added a new element. Ladybug beetles had started moving again from their winter hibernation so I captured one of these and placed it on a flower. It was a good sport and wandered curiously all over these blooms sprinkled with water providing some entertaining photos. It was a fun couple of hours and helped expand my photography skills.