Most of my posts have been about summer adventures because I’ve been captive with projects and haven’t been getting out with the camera much so there’s been nothing recent to really publish. The cold has been setting in with the occasional snow flake flying bringing a layer of ice on to many of the nearby lakes. I wanted to try and get out to capture some of this ice because parts of it are almost as clear as glass. My first concept though was a circle of waterfowl. On a nearby lake there has been a small portion of open water where geese and ducks congregate during the night often just standing on the ring of ice around this open water creating a circle of birds. On this morning though, several of them were already in the water swimming as the sun was nearing the horizon breaking that nice circle of waterfowl I’d hoped for. It was a nice sunrise none the less and I had made the necessary compromises so I could enjoy the outdoors with the camera. Time to adapt and focus on what was there.

Most of the waterfowl were Canadian Geese moving around the ice and in the water on this morning. As many were getting into the water there were a few standing on the edge of the ice. I thought they provided a nice silhouette against the golden sun through clouds. All I needed then was something interesting in their actions. Scanning the group I noticed two geese, possibly a pair, staying near each other. I liked how they’re looking at each other with some reflection in the golden ice. Once took a few photos as the sun was rising I moved so the sun was now shining on these geese and watched further. What I was really looking for was an eagle flying overhead causing these ducks and geese to all take off or to see an eagle float down from the sky trying to get something for breakfast. Eventually a young eagle did appear but it ended up continuing overhead towards another location.

Once the sun appeared from behind the clouds I noticed all of the geese and most of the ducks face into it. Were they trying to absorb any warmth from the fresh sunlight on this cold morning? It didn’t last long before they continued moving around into and out of the water with some flying off. Over the next half hour or so most of these geese took to the air likely going in search of food for the day. During this time I could hear a familiar sound off in the distance. As I watched the sky the pure white forms of Trumpeter Swans came into view. I followed them as they circled once overhead before coming in to the open water with a larger splash making their presence know to everything around. Once they had a chance to look around they began to swim towards me. Where they looking for the best food spot or did they want to check out what I was doing? After a short time closer to me they resumed feeding and swam back with the other birds still there.

While standing on the beach looking around for something that might make an interesting photograph I caught a trio of Mallard ducks getting closer and closer. They were still in the water when I first noticed them so I remained near my camera just in case but tried to continue appearing as though I wasn’t really paying attention to them. Eventually they made it to the edge of open water which prompted me to get back behind the camera. They hopped up on the ice, one by one, and waddled to the beach making their way closer to me. Their bright orange feet stood out in such stark contrast to the brown and white of the surrounding landscape. After a few pictures they returned to the water ending our photo shoot.

Having fun watching the waterfowl I decided there was enough light in the sky now to work towards my next goal for the morning. Photographing subjects with this nice clear ice covering much of the lake. There was very little success for awhile. A few photos started to show the patterns in the ice reflecting the sunlight. And then I spotted a leaf curled up on top of the ice with the sunlight shining around the oak leaf. Black and white was my objective with some ice pictures. That focuses the interest more on shapes and contrasting elements. This leaf photo was my favorite from the morning with the bright, back light highlighting the rounded lobes of this leaf against the straight lines crisscrossing in the top of the ice. One of the most interesting parts of this picture is the midrib and petiole of the leaf and how it curves through the photograph. An enjoyable picture for my first morning out in awhile.

Another picture with some interest in a red oak leaf with its lobes reaching up through the snow. Reaching for warmth and daylight from the cold snows grasp. The sharp points at the tips of the leaves in contrast to the rounded pieces of ice surrounding it and covering it. After this my time was up and I needed to return home. A much needed morning out watching the world come to life for the day.