The first week of 2021 provided some spectacular days covering the landscape covering it with frost. Each day provided a different look and frost pattern. Some days began with a light frost coating everything such as in the photo above. These days made everything appear as though out of a movie. It didn’t seem real even though I could see it. Sometimes this frost would disappear throughout the day and other days it would persist into the night.

Another day provided a thick coating mostly in one direction on everything. I don’t know what minor changes cause these frosts to be different than those covering everything in a light coating but it still makes for a beautiful setting. The area where the above photo was taken, there was a downburst of snow earlier in the day leaving behind snowflakes to add to frost. If you look closely above, you’ll be able to see one or two.
Another morning brought sharp ice crystals on one side of most plants which I assume is a result of a windy day during their formation. Each of these little pieces of frost reminded me of lightning bolts. Quite fascinating!
In the last photo you can make out different ice sculptures which turns out to be another form of frost created during the week. This is surface hoar frost. These little crystals formed on top of the snow. I had never noticed frost covering the snow before. How often does this happen? Something I’ll definitely be paying more attention to as they were some amazing little natural pieces of art.